Herbison Woods News

March 7, 2025

Principal:  Alicia Ormsbee

School Address:  Pride Dr, DeWitt, MI 48820

Office Phone Number:  517-668-3300

Attendance Phone Number:  517-668-3347

Website:  https://hw.dewittschools.net/ 

District Diversity Logo Paw


March: March is Reading Month!

March 10: Second Trimester Grades Viewable in IC

March 14: Sign up Genius will close for Conferences

March 17-21: Book Fair Week

March 18: 4:00-7:00 In Person Conferences

March 19: Early Release for CLT

March 20: 4:00 - 7:00 Virtual Conferences 

March 27:  Early Release - Start of Spring Break

A Message from Mrs. Ormsbee

Greetings Herbison Woods Families!

We have kicked off March is Reading Month with the theme "Take Me to Your Readers".  We kicked it off with a whole school assembly, the hallways are filled with decorations, and we have activities and spirit days planned as we get our students excited about reading.  Please see below for specific information about the events for the month.

Our spring Parent/Teacher conferences are scheduled for March 18 and 20.  We will be hosting both an in person and virtual night to accommodate various schedules.  A SignUp Genius was sent out to families by email to register for a time.  Please look for this if you haven't already signed up.  If you would prefer an in person conference, as opposed to virtual, and all slots are filled, please reach out to your child's teacher.  We look forward to discussing your child's progress with you!

Thank you,

Alicia Ormsbee


Spring Book Fair

The Herbison Woods Book Fair will be held the week of March 17 - 21. 

Spring Book Fair.pdf
Herbison Woods Spring 25 flyer.pdf

Spring Pictures

Spring Picture Day is scheduled for Wednesday, March 26 at Herbison Woods.

February Students of the Month

Congratulations to our February Students of the Month.  In February we recognized students who demonstrate the Panther Power of Integrity.

Students of the Month
Students of the month
Students of the month
Students of the month
Students of the month

March is Reading Month

March is Reading Month is here!  Herbison Woods is celebrating with the theme, "Take Me to Your Readers".  We have many fun events including a coloring contest, bookmark contest, author and illustrator visit, spirit days, and more.  Please see the following calendar for more information.

Window decorated with Take Me To Your Readers - Aliens and Books
Decorated doors with Take Me To Your Readers Theme
UFO decorations
Alien Decoration
Window decorated with Take Me To Your Readers - Aliens and Books
Window decorated with Take Me To Your Readers - Aliens and Books
Decorated doors with Take Me To Your Readers Theme
Decorated doors with Take Me To Your Readers Theme
Decorated doors with Take Me To Your Readers Theme

Free Family Workshop

Clinton County RESA is hosting a workshop for adults on Saturday, March 15, called Laughing, Loving and Leading your Kids.  Please see the attached flyer for more information.

L3 Flyer.pdf

Yearbook Orders

Order your Herbison Woods Yearbook by April 20.  See the Herbison Woods Homepage for more information! 

PTA Logo

 PTA Updates

From the PTA:

Family Fun Night: Author & Illustrator Visit
Wednesday, March 12th | 6 PM | Herbison Woods Elementary

Join us for a special Family Fun Night as we welcome Karen Bell Brege (Author) and Darrin Brege (Illustrator) to share their creative process, inspire young readers, and bring stories to life! This FREE event is perfect for the whole family, featuring interactive storytelling, live drawing, and a chance to ask questions. Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to experience the magic of books and creativity! Doors open at 5:45 PM.

Conference Cuisine – Help Us Support Our Teachers!

We are collecting food and monetary donations to provide meals for teachers during Parent-Teacher Conferences throughout March. Let’s show our gratitude for their hard work. Click here to contribute: https://tinyurl.com/springcc25

Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week – May 5-9
Speaking of appreciation… we need volunteers to help make this week extra special. We’re looking for help with crafting decorations, setting up, and delivering surprises throughout the week. If you’d like to get involved, please reach out to Andrea Lyons at tsaw@ptadewitt.org.

Thank you for supporting our school community!

Author and Illustrator Visit Flyer

Celebrations and Class Parties

To promote a safe and secure indoor school environment, create an inclusive atmosphere for all students, and to reduce distractions for the duration of the school day, the following school celebration guidelines will be followed: 

Volunteering - IChat

If you plan on volunteering this year in the DeWitt Public Schools, please fill out the following background check form: IChat link.

Stop the Spread of Respiratory Illnesses

Respiratory Illness Protocol.docx.pdf

Please see the following CDC Guidelines for reducing the spread of Respiratory Illnesses. 

CLT and Professional Development Dates

Below are the dates for Collaborative Learning Time (CLT) and professional development calendar.  On early release days, Herbison Woods will dismiss at 11:57 a.m.

Car Loop Procedures

Dismissal Procedures

Car loop: 


Medication Information

In order for Herbison Woods Staff to administer medication to your child, you must: