Herbison Woods News
January 24, 2025
Principal: Alicia Ormsbee
School Address: Pride Dr, DeWitt, MI 48820
Office Phone Number: 517-668-3300
Attendance Phone Number: 517-668-3347
Website: https://hw.dewittschools.net/
Start Time: 8:45 a.m. (First bell rings at 8:40 a.m.)
Students may be dropped off at 8:25 a.m. or later. Supervision is not available before 8:25 a.m.
Dismissal Time: 3:35 p.m. (Half Day dismissal 11:57 a.m.)
February 14: Early Release for CLT
February 17: No School - President's Day
A Message from Mrs. Ormsbee
Greetings Herbison Woods Families!
We are wrapping up our NWEA and DIBELS benchmark assessments, and plan to be done with our makeups at the beginning of next week. We use this data throughout the year to help guide our classroom instruction and determine areas of growth for individual students. Reports will be coming home with students in the next couple of weeks. I hope you enjoy the weekend, and stay warm in this cold winter weather!
Alicia Ormsbee
PTA Updates
From the PTA:
Thank you for skating with us!
We had a blast at Family Skate Night last week! Save the date for our next PTA-hosted Skate Night at Edru Skate in Holt on April 18th.
Staff Membership Drive
We’ve reached 69% of teachers sponsored, but we’d love to hit 100%! Help us ensure all teachers have access to valuable PTA resources and opportunities by sponsoring a teacher for $6 today! https://tinyurl.com/staffdrive2025
STEAM Family Event – Saturday, March 8th, 4–6 PM
Be sure to mark your calendars for our STEAM Family Event in March!
If you are a community member who works in a STEAM related field and are interested in hosting a table at the event, please reach out to president@ptadewitt.org.
February PTA Meeting
Join us on Tuesday, February 4th at 7 PM in the Herbison Woods Media Center. You don’t have to be a member to attend—come see what we’re planning!
Winter Weather Wear
The winter weather is upon us. It’s time to dig out the winter gear for your child so that they are ready for the cold weeks ahead. Students wait outside before and after school, and are outside for recess. Please help them select proper clothing for both outdoor and indoor settings. Although shorts are comfortable and stylish, they are best suited for warm weather months, not for the blistery cold ones. Outdoor apparel such as a winter coat, warm hat, and gloves or mittens are essential items. When the snowy Michigan weather hits, snow pants and boots are also necessary. A scarf is certainly another great accessory to keep warm, but isn't a must. Please be aware that students go outdoors for recess when the temperature is above zero degrees Fahrenheit. Students should wear a coat outside if the temperature is 50 degrees or colder. Thank you for helping your child be ready for the winter temperatures and equipped for fun in the snow.
HWE - March is Reading Month Wish List
Celebrations and Class Parties
To promote a safe and secure indoor school environment, create an inclusive atmosphere for all students, and to reduce distractions for the duration of the school day, the following school celebration guidelines will be followed:
Classroom celebrations will be kept to one hour.
We encourage healthy snacks and alternatives to food to support allergies and our wellness policy. Some classrooms may have a “no food” policy due to allergies.
Only volunteers and party classroom coordinators may be allowed in the classroom to help support classroom celebration activities per individual teacher request/classroom needs. There will be 3-5 parent volunteers per classroom.
Volunteers and party classroom coordinators may not bring any additional guests including siblings (of any age), relatives, etc.
Volunteers and classroom coordinators must complete the I-Chat Form and be cleared if they at any time are going to work with students independent of where the classroom teacher is.
Volunteering - IChat
If you plan on volunteering this year in the DeWitt Public Schools, please fill out the following background check form: IChat link.
Stop the Spread of Respiratory Illnesses

Please see the following CDC Guidelines for reducing the spread of Respiratory Illnesses.
Recess and Paraprofessional Positions
If you are interested in being a paraprofessional, or supervising lunch or recess, we would love to have you join our team!
Please contact us at 517-668-3300. http://jobs.dewittschools.net
CLT and Professional Development Dates
Below are the dates for Collaborative Learning Time (CLT) and professional development calendar. On early release days, Herbison Woods will dismiss at 11:57 a.m.
February 14 - Early Release for CLT
March 19 - Early Release for CLT
May 14 - Early Release for CLT
Car Loop Procedures
Safety is our #1 Priority.
Car loop begins at 8:25am; please do not drop off students before this time.
Please only drop off students in the car loop area; supervision is only provided in this area.
Please drop off and pick up students along the entire painted blue line along the curb.
Utilize the entire length of our “blue drop off line” by:
Pulling up behind the car in front of you (please refrain from leaving large spaces between vehicles)
Dropping off along the whole blue line (Please refrain from dropping off your child only in front of the area where their class waits. The entire blue line should be utilized for efficiency. )
During arrival, your students should be ready and prepared to get out of the car by having all their materials gathered and good-byes complete.
For the beginning of the school year, signs will be posted with teacher names in the front of the school. At parent drop off, students should stand by their teacher's sign.
Dismissal Procedures
Car loop:
Students will be escorted out to the car loop and will stand in their classroom’s designated area.
Students will remain in their area and wait for their car to pull up.
Cars will use the painted blue line as the area to pick up their children.
Please pull all the way forward, as to allow the maximum number of cars to pick up their students at one time.
Please post a sign with your child’s first and last name in a visual area of your vehicle for the first couple of weeks of school.
When students see their car, they will walk toward it and quickly get in.
Students will enter their car on the sidewalk side.
Adults should not get out of the car at any point in the car loop.
To exit the car loop, please follow the signs and exit to the right only.
Students will be escorted outside and will stand in their classroom’s designated area.
Once their bus arrives, they will walk to their bus.
Medication Information
In order for Herbison Woods Staff to administer medication to your child, you must:
Submit a completed district medication form to our office.
All medication must be dropped off by a parent/guardian. Students should not bring any medication to school.
Be sure all medications are brought to school by a parent/guardian and stored in our office.
Be sure prescription medication is in its original container accompanied with a physician’s signature.
Be sure non-prescription medication is in its original container accompanied by a parent’s signature.
Please communicate with your child's teacher if he/she takes medication daily at school.
If your child has a medical condition, please be sure to complete a Medical Management Plan for your child and turn it in at the office.
Medication and other medical forms can be found on our DeWitt Public Schools website.