Herbison Woods News
October 4, 2024
Principal: Alicia Ormsbee
School Address: Pride Dr, DeWitt, MI 48820
Office Phone Number: 517-668-3300
Attendance Phone Number: 517-668-3347
Website: https://hw.dewittschools.net/
Start Time: 8:45 a.m. (First bell rings at 8:40 a.m.)
Students may be dropped off at 8:25 a.m. or later. Supervision is not available before 8:25 a.m.
Dismissal Time: 3:35 p.m. (Half Day dismissal 11:57 a.m.)
October 16: 1/2 Day for students (11:57 Dismissal)
October 25: Color Run Fundraiser
October 28 : Book Fair Week
November 5: No School for Students (staff PD)
November 6: Picture Retakes
November 6-7: Conferences
A Message from Mrs. Ormsbee
Greetings Herbison Woods Families!
We had a fun homecoming week, with opportunities to show our spirit, Disney style! We wrapped up today, sharing a pep assembly with the Middle School at the football stadium. The football team, marching band, and cheerleaders lead our students in fun activities and cheers. Students and staff had a great time!
MSTEP and Fall NWEA reports came home with students today. Please be sure to check their backpacks for them. When reviewing these reports, it is important to keep in mind that these scores capture a moment in time, and do not define a student. These scores help us to make instructional decisions and plans for students to support their learning. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to your child's teacher.
Our Color Run is quickly approaching, and fundraising has already begun. Students were sent home with envelopes and information on how to donate online. Information can also be found on the front page of our website. The Color Run is our annual fundraiser, where students will run on a marked course while being splashed with colored powder. We are looking forward to this fun event on Friday, October 25.
Halloween will be right around the corner when we wrap up our Color Run. Please see below for guidelines on celebrations and costumes.
Thank you for your continued partnership!
Alicia Ormsbee
A Note from Mrs. Nowak
HWE Families,
Thank you for your continued support of our positive behavior systems. Each class had the opportunity to visit the Herbie Buck Store this week, and it was such a success! Ask your HWE kid what they chose to buy, and please know, we do limit how much candy they can get.
Now that students are understanding what we expect of behavior at HWE, we are going to raise the bar for those expectations! Our ultimate goal is that students are internally motivated to do the right thing and be their best selves. That's why frontloading expectations and "catching" them doing the right thing is so important. If your student feels they aren't getting recognized with Herbie Bucks as much as the beginning of the year, let them know to not give up! Verbally processing how it feels inside to do the right thing can be as gratifying as the feeling of getting a tangible award. It does take time, but as your HWE student grows and develops, we know you will see that change too. Also tell them not to worry, our Herbie Bucks aren't going to go anywhere!
In Partnership,
Rachel Nowak
Updates from Mr. Rogers
HWE Families,
We are officially in fall mode at HWE! Leaves are changing colors, temperatures are dropping (a little), and students are learning every day. Classroom lessons have started to incorporate Social and Emotional Learning curriculum, where students learn about managing, processing, and identifying emotions. During these lessons, students are also challenged to consider how their emotions impact others and ways they can support those around them. I am grateful to be part of a community that values empathy and taking care of each other. Please reach out if your child is in need of support! I care about all of our HWE Panthers and what is happening in their lives. Thank you for partnering with us to make this school year great!
Thank you,
Mr. Rogers
Volunteering - IChat
If you plan on volunteering this year in the DeWitt Public Schools, please fill out the following background check form: IChat link.

Fall Book Fair
The Book Fair is coming to Herbison Woods the week of October 289 - November 1. Students will have the opportunity during the day to shop at the fair. There will also be two days after school for parents to come in with their kids (Monday, October 28 and Wednesday, October 30) from 3:30 - 4:30. If you are interested in volunteering, please see the following link to sign up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/508084DAAA928A64-51881074-herbison
Fall DIBELS 8 Grade Level Data
4th Grade
5th Grade
Fall NWEA Grade Level Data
4th and 5th Grade Reading
4th Grade = 80% of students scored average or above
5th Grade = 75% of students scored average or above
4th and 5th Grade Math
4th Grade = 82% of students scored average or above
5th Grade = 72% of students scored average or above
Fourth Grade River Trip
Fourth graders had the opportunity to have a hands on learning experience at the Looking Glass River. Volunteers, including retired DPS teachers, helped to make this experience possible for our students.
September Students of the Month
For the month of September, students were chosen for demonstrating the Panther Powers of being Respectful and Responsible. Congratulations to our September Students of the Month!
PTA Updates
Join the PTA for a spooktacular evening at the Monster Mash on Friday, October 11th from 6-8pm at Herbison Woods! This FREE family-friendly event is perfect for elementary-aged students. Enjoy a fun-filled night with a DJ, photo opportunities, games, temporary tattoos, pizza, popcorn, and more!
While admission is free, we encourage donations of individually wrapped snacks to help stock the snack cabinets in our schools for the year. Your contributions support all students throughout the year!
To help us plan for food and drinks, please pre-register at the following link: https://forms.gle/LpQNo4v6BRxRJiuE8 .
We can't wait to see you there!
Homecoming Pep Assembly
Students at HWE wrapped up our Homecoming Week with a Pep Assembly. We joined the Middle School students and staff for a presentation from the football team, cheerleaders, and marching band.
DHS Football Games
Please follow these guidelines to help make high school football games safe and enjoyable for all who attend.
DeWitt students must remain on our side of the stadium.
Students must leave all footballs, balls, flying objects (ie. frisbees, etc.) at home. Playing catch, games, etc. is not acceptable with so many spectators in the stadium and causes safety risks and distractions to those who paid to watch the event.
It is an expectation that elementary students are chaperoned. The concourse (common area between the stands and concessions) is not a play space. Elementary aged students must be accompanied by their adult and not be left unsupervised to play or congregate inside or outside of the stadium.
Halloween, Celebrations and Class Parties
To promote a safe and secure indoor school environment, create an inclusive atmosphere for all students, and to reduce distractions for the duration of the school day, the following school celebration guidelines will be followed:
Classroom celebrations will be kept to one hour.
We encourage healthy snacks and alternatives to food to support allergies and our wellness policy. Some classrooms may have a “no food” policy due to allergies.
Only volunteers and party classroom coordinators may be allowed in the classroom to help support classroom celebration activities per individual teacher request/classroom needs. There will be 3-5 parent volunteers per classroom.
Volunteers and party classroom coordinators may not bring any additional guests including siblings (of any age), relatives, etc.
Volunteers and classroom coordinators must complete the I-Chat Form and be cleared if they at any time are going to work with students independent of where the classroom teacher is.
Halloween/Fall Celebration Specific:
All students will have an opportunity to wear a costume at school.
Simple costumes may be worn, but please be mindful of your child's ability to participate in regular school activities throughout the day including PE and recess.
Costumes should be tasteful, modest and appropriate for a school environment.
Costumes shall have no representation of violence, horror characters or be scary; no blood or weapons.
Wearing costumes is an opportunity but not an obligation. Families may choose whether or not their child participates.
If your child or you are questioning if a costume is school appropriate, it is recommended to err on the side of caution and choose something else.
Stop the Spread of Respiratory Illnesses

Please see the following CDC Guidelines for reducing the spread of Respiratory Illnesses.
Recess and Paraprofessional Positions
If you are interested in being a paraprofessional, or supervising lunch or recess, we would love to have you join our team!
Please contact us at 517-668-3300. http://jobs.dewittschools.net
Infinite Campus Tasks Requested
Dear Parents/Guardians:
It is of utmost importance that you complete an annual update of your student’s emergency contact information through your parent portal. In the event of a school emergency, the District wants to be sure to have the most up-to-date contact information to communicate with parents/guardians.
With this update, you will also complete the annual Release Agreements and acknowledge that you have read the following District documents (found on the District website at dewittschools.net):
1. District K-12 Student Handbook
2. District Code of Conduct
3. Concussion Info
4. Athletic Handbook, if applicable
Use your parent portal to complete these required tasks to ensure your student's access to the district network, apps, curriculum, etc.
NOTE: Your parent portal works best using Chrome or Firefox browsers.
1.Log in to your Infinite Campus Parent Portal.
2. Click on the three lines (hamburger) in the upper left-hand corner to open the menu.
3. Select MORE.
7. Type your name and sign with your mouse.
At each prompt, review, confirm/update your student’s data. Use the NEXT and SAVE/CONTINUE buttons to proceed through the Update.
If any of your information is highlighted in yellow, you have missed a required field and must go back to edit/ update.
9. SUBMIT once complete.
All changes will be reviewed by staff and they will reach out to you to confirm update and/or request additional documentation, depending on the change made.
Questions or assistance? contact the District Registrar at 517-668-3017.
CLT and Professional Development Dates
Below are the dates for Collaborative Learning Time (CLT) and professional development calendar. On early release days, Herbison Woods will dismiss at 11:57 a.m.
September 27 - No School for students - Full Day Professional Development
October 16 - Early Release for CLT
November 5 - No school for students - Full Day Professional Development
February 14 - Early Release for CLT
March 19 - Early Release for CLT
May 14 - Early Release for CLT
Car Loop Procedures
Safety is our #1 Priority.
Car loop begins at 8:25am; please do not drop off students before this time.
Please only drop off students in the car loop area; supervision is only provided in this area.
Please drop off and pick up students along the entire painted blue line along the curb.
Utilize the entire length of our “blue drop off line” by:
Pulling up behind the car in front of you (please refrain from leaving large spaces between vehicles)
Dropping off along the whole blue line (Please refrain from dropping off your child only in front of the area where their class waits. The entire blue line should be utilized for efficiency. )
During arrival, your students should be ready and prepared to get out of the car by having all their materials gathered and good-byes complete.
For the beginning of the school year, signs will be posted with teacher names in the front of the school. At parent drop off, students should stand by their teacher's sign.
Dismissal Procedures
Car loop:
Students will be escorted out to the car loop and will stand in their classroom’s designated area.
Students will remain in their area and wait for their car to pull up.
Cars will use the painted blue line as the area to pick up their children.
Please pull all the way forward, as to allow the maximum number of cars to pick up their students at one time.
Please post a sign with your child’s first and last name in a visual area of your vehicle for the first couple of weeks of school.
When students see their car, they will walk toward it and quickly get in.
Students will enter their car on the sidewalk side.
Adults should not get out of the car at any point in the car loop.
To exit the car loop, please follow the signs and exit to the right only.
Students will be escorted outside and will stand in their classroom’s designated area.
Once their bus arrives, they will walk to their bus.
Medication Information
In order for Herbison Woods Staff to administer medication to your child, you must:
Submit a completed district medication form to our office.
All medication must be dropped off by a parent/guardian. Students should not bring any medication to school.
Be sure all medications are brought to school by a parent/guardian and stored in our office.
Be sure prescription medication is in its original container accompanied with a physician’s signature.
Be sure non-prescription medication is in its original container accompanied by a parent’s signature.
Please communicate with your child's teacher if he/she takes medication daily at school.
If your child has a medical condition, please be sure to complete a Medical Management Plan for your child and turn it in at the office.
Medication and other medical forms can be found on our DeWitt Public Schools website.