Herbison Woods News

October 18, 2024

Principal:  Alicia Ormsbee

School Address:  Pride Dr, DeWitt, MI 48820

Office Phone Number:  517-668-3300

Attendance Phone Number:  517-668-3347

Website:  https://hw.dewittschools.net/ 

District Diversity Logo Paw


October 25: Color Run Fundraiser

October 28 : Book Fair Week

November 5: No School for Students (staff PD)

November 6: Picture Retakes

November 6-7:  Conferences

A Message from Mrs. Ormsbee

Greetings Herbison Woods Families!

October is a busy time of the year, with many fall activities!  The students have been full of excitement and energy.  On Friday, students had the opportunity to see a preview of the high school production of FootlooseThis was such a great experience for our students!  We would like to thank the high school and Ms. Eldred for inviting our students to participate.

Our annual Color Run Fundraiser is taking place next week Friday, October 25th.  Please see below for details on times for our fourth and fifth grade run, as well as pledge details.  Halloween will be quick to follow this event.  Please remember to review the party and costume guidelines outlined below.  If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. 

On November 11, our students will be honoring our Veterans at an assembly at Herbison Woods.  Our assembly will take place from 2:30 - 3:00 pm.  If you or a family member are a veteran and would like to attend, please fill out the following form.  We are asking our guests to arrive at 2:15 pm.

Please be looking for Parent Teacher Conference sign up information, coming out at the end of next week.  We look forward to meeting with you soon!


Alicia Ormsbee


A Note from Mrs. Nowak

HWE Families,

October is full of many festive activities and exciting events. At HWE, we celebrate October as Bullying Prevention Month. All students are getting an opportunity to "Stomp Out Bullying" by making a pledge during a classroom activity. Mrs. Ormsbee, Mr. Rogers and I are making the rounds into every classroom giving information on how we define bullying, as well as providing information on where and when bullying can happen. 

We are then encouraging all HWE students to "stomp out bullying" by drawing the outline of their shoe and decorating it in an anti-bullying theme. Shoes are being displayed around our school in a reminder that we all have a part in getting rid of bullying behavior. Thank you for your support in helping your HWE student choose kind, and percent bullying behavior!

In Partnership,

Rachel Nowak

Cut out footprints with anti bullying messages
Students in the hallway, pointing at footprints on the wall
Students dancing on stage

Footloose Musical

Herbison Woods students had the opportunity to preview the high school musical this past Friday.  There are so many talented students in this district!

Annual Color Run Fundraiser

The annual Herbison Woods Color Run fundraiser is scheduled for Friday, October 25Students will run through a course, as teachers splash them with colored powder. 

Herbison Woods Elementary Color Run Pledge Details: 


See the main page for our website for more information!

2024FallBookFair Flyer.docx

Fall Book Fair

The Book Fair is coming to Herbison Woods the week of October 289 - November 1.  Students will have the opportunity during the day to shop at the fair.   There will also be two days after school for parents to come in with their kids (Monday, October 28 and Wednesday, October 30) from 3:30 - 4:30.  If you are interested in volunteering, please see the following link to sign up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/508084DAAA928A64-51881074-herbison 

Meet our Staff

School Librarian

Mrs. Render

Mrs. Render is our librarian at Herbison Woods.  She has been in the district for 22 and a half years, serving in various roles including librarian, paraprofessional and working  with the K.I.D.S. program.  

Fourth grade teacher

Mrs. Earl

Mrs. Earl has been working at Herbison Woods for several years.  She was the building substitute the past two years, and this year we are fortunate to have her as part of our fourth grade team!

PTA Logo

 PTA Updates

Monster Mash
A huge thank you to everyone who joined us for the Monster Mash on October 11th! The event was a blast, and it was wonderful to see so many families come out to celebrate together. .

Conference Cuisine Update
We’re still collecting food and monetary donations to support meals for teachers during Parent-Teacher Conferences through November. Thanks to your generosity, we’ve already provided meals for Young 5s and Kindergarten teachers. Let’s keep the momentum going and continue showing our appreciation for our incredible staff!

Denim and Diamonds
Mark your calendars for Saturday, November 9th! Denim and Diamonds, our biggest fundraiser, helps fund our family-friendly events and teacher and building grants. This year, we’re adding online bidding for the silent auction starting November 3rd, leading up to the in-person event. Check out our PTA Facebook page or visit our website for more details:

Classroom Baskets
You may have heard about Classroom Baskets! Each class is gathering items to create themed baskets that will be featured in the silent auction. It’s a fun way for families to get involved, and every little bit helps! Please reach out to your classroom coordinator if you have any questions. 

Boxes of donated snacks

Thank you!

A special thanks to all of our families who attended the Monster Mash, and donated snacks for our students at HWE!  We appreciate your generosity!

Original Works Art  - from Mr. Lindsay

Dear Scott School and Herbison Woods Families,

Students at Schavey, Scott, and Herbison Woods have been working on artwork for the Original Works

art fundraiser. Information on how to order and student art projects will be sent home around October

25th (if everything goes as scheduled). Proceeds will be used by Schavey, Scott, and Herbison Woods for

art materials. Scott School and Herbison Woods families can contact Mr. Lindsay for any question at



Mr. Lindsay

DHS Football Games

Please follow these guidelines to help make high school football games safe and enjoyable for all who attend.

Halloween, Celebrations and Class Parties

To promote a safe and secure indoor school environment, create an inclusive atmosphere for all students, and to reduce distractions for the duration of the school day, the following school celebration guidelines will be followed: 

Volunteering - IChat

If you plan on volunteering this year in the DeWitt Public Schools, please fill out the following background check form: IChat link.

Stop the Spread of Respiratory Illnesses

Respiratory Illness Protocol.docx.pdf

Please see the following CDC Guidelines for reducing the spread of Respiratory Illnesses. 

Recess and Paraprofessional Positions

If you are interested in being a paraprofessional, or supervising lunch or recess, we would love to have you join our team!

Please contact us at 517-668-3300.     http://jobs.dewittschools.net

Infinite Campus Tasks Requested

Dear Parents/Guardians:

It is of utmost importance that you complete an annual update of your student’s emergency contact information through your parent portal. In the event of a school emergency, the District wants to be sure to have the most up-to-date contact information to communicate with parents/guardians.

With this update, you will also complete the annual Release Agreements and acknowledge that you have read the following District documents (found on the District website at dewittschools.net):

1. District K-12 Student Handbook

2. District Code of Conduct

3. Concussion Info

4. Athletic Handbook, if applicable

Use your parent portal to complete these required tasks to ensure your student's access to the district network, apps, curriculum, etc.


NOTE: Your parent portal works best using Chrome or Firefox browsers.

1.Log in to your Infinite Campus Parent Portal.

2. Click on the three lines (hamburger) in the upper left-hand corner to open the menu.

3. Select MORE.




7. Type your name and sign with your mouse.


At each prompt, review, confirm/update your student’s data. Use the NEXT and SAVE/CONTINUE buttons to proceed through the Update.

If any of your information is highlighted in yellow, you have missed a required field and must go back to edit/ update.

9. SUBMIT once complete.

All changes will be reviewed by staff and they will reach out to you to confirm update and/or request additional documentation, depending on the change made.

Questions or assistance? contact the District Registrar at 517-668-3017.

CLT and Professional Development Dates

Below are the dates for Collaborative Learning Time (CLT) and professional development calendar.  On early release days, Herbison Woods will dismiss at 11:57 a.m.

Car Loop Procedures

Dismissal Procedures

Car loop: 


Medication Information

In order for Herbison Woods Staff to administer medication to your child, you must: