Parent Info

School Hours

Doors Open at 8:35 a.m.   

First Bell 8:40 a.m. 

Tardy Bell 8:45 a.m.

Dismissal 3:35 p.m.

Half Day Dismissal 11:42 a.m.

CLT (Collaborative Learning Time) 1/2 Day Dismissal  12:12 p.m.


If you are interested in helping out in a classroom, the building, or a class trip, you must complete an I-CHAT (background check) first. This background check is only valid for one year and must be renewed each year after July 1st. If you completed one last year, you’ll need to complete a new one again this year. Staff and students appreciate all our families do to support our learning!

Volunteer ICHAT form 

Drop Off and Pick Up

Thank you for following the traffic sign and turning RIGHT ONLY out of the parent loop.  This keeps the flow of traffic moving.  A few reminders:

Students should not arrive to school before 8:25 a.m., we simply do not have supervision prior to this time.

Drop off/Pick Up students in the blue lines of the loop.

Students need to exit vehicles from the passenger side so they can stop on the sidewalk (and not step into oncoming traffic).

Use caution, and look for students walking or riding bikes at the crosswalk.

DO NOT drop students off on Pride Drive or at the softball field.

Be patient with others to keep everyone safe

Attendance Line

If you student will be arriving late or will be absent from school, you must call the attendance line at 668-3347 before 9 a.m.  Please leave your child's name, homeroom teacher name and reason for the absence or tardy.  The attendance line is available twenty-four hours a day, seven-days a week.

Dress For The Weather

Please make sure that your student is prepared for outdoor time at school by dressing appropriately for the weather conditions.  Our students do go outdoor twice daily for recess, weather permitting.

We will have indoor recess if the temperature,with wind chill, is below zero or there is a wind advisory or it is raining.

Lunch At Herbison Woods Elementary

Due to the large number of students with food allergies, students are not allowed to share food.  We also donot support students bringing lunch, such as pizza, to be shared with others.  Students are excluded when this occurs and impacts their social-emotional well-being.  Thank you for your understanding and cooperation with this matter.

Parents are welcome to come to school to eat lunch with their student.  Simply check in at the office, sign in and obtain a visitor pass.  Office staff will direct you to the cafeteria.

Breakfast at Herbison Woods Elementary 

Breakfast will be served this year at Herbison woods Elementary!  Students who want to eat will come to the cafeteria as soon as their bus arrives.  Students who walk or are dropped off will enter the building at 8:25 a.m. and proceed directly to the cafeteria.  The cost is $1.60.  If you have any questions please contact Sandy Leach, Director of Dining Services for DPS at 668-3138 or at

Student Illness Information

The purpose of this information is to help provide you with some guidelines for identifying when your child may be too sick to go to school.  Always remember tht your pediatrician or family physician is your best resource for questions or advice.  These guidelines are based on recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics.

FEVER: Your child should be without fever for 24 hours or more before returning to school.

VOMITING and/or DIARRHEA: Your child should not be vomiting or have diarrhea for 24 hours or more before returning to school

RUNNY NOSES and COLDS: Clear runny noses are acceptable in school without any other symptoms.  A yellow or green runny nose may be related to serious infections and your child should not be sent to school until these symptoms  are gone or he/she has been seen and cleared by a physician.

STREP THROAT: Your child may return to school after he/she has been on antibiotics for a full 24 hours with no fever.

RASHES: Rashes should be cleared by a physician or health care provider before a child attends or returns to school.

PINK EYE (CONJUNCTIVITIS): Your child may return to school when discharge from the eyes has stopped and the whites of the eye are white again.  For bacterial conjunctivitis it usually takes 24-48 hours after starting antibiotic eye drops. is an online service by licensed therapists that provides trusted and specialized courses, professional support and a safe community for parents to learn how to support their children and get answers to mental health questions.