Herbison Woods News
August 25, 2023
Principal: Alicia Ormsbee
School Address: Pride Dr, DeWitt, MI 48820
Office Phone Number: 517-668-3300
Attendance Phone Number: 517-668-3347
Website: https://hw.dewittschools.net/
Start Time: 8:45 a.m. (First bell rings at 8:40 a.m.)
Students may be dropped of at 8:25 a.m. or later. Supervision is not available before 8:25 a.m.
Dismissal Time: 3:35 p.m.
Upcoming Events:
August 28: First Day of School 8:45-3:35
September 1 and 4: No School—Labor Day Weekend
September 15: No School for Students - Staff Professional Development Day
A Message from Mrs. Ormsbee
Greetings Herbison Woods Families!
The first day of school is right around the corner. We can't wait to see your child and are excited to get the new school year started!
Drop off and pick up procedures are outlined in the slideshow as well as in the information below.
Staff members will be stationed all around the building and outside for drop off, helping students find their way to class. In order to support students in continuing to develop independence and ensure a safe school environment, guests will not be allowed into the building. I appreciate your understanding and support.
Regular office hours are: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm.
Bringing a water bottle and dressing appropriately for the weather is strongly encouraged. There are still some warm days to come as we are winding down the summer months.
Lockers will be assigned over the first several days of school. Teachers and staff will take time to help students with locker combinations in the first few weeks, and we will have staff ready to support students as needed.
Proper identification is required each time your child is picked up from school. Thank you for understanding, as student safety is a priority.
If your child will be absent from school, please call the Herbison Woods attendance line at: 517-668-3347. Please also contact the office when there is a change in transportation, or when your child is going to be dropped off or picked up outside of regular arrival and dismissal times.
If you are interested in volunteering, you must complete the DPS Volunteer I-CHAT Form. Volunteers need to be cleared every year before being an approved volunteer.
I am looking forward to starting the new school year next week!
Alicia Ormsbee
Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures
Morning Drop Off Procedures:
The car loop begins at 8:25 am; please do not drop off students before this time.
Please only drop off students in the car loop area; supervision is only provided in this area.
Please drop off and pick up students along the painted blue line along the curb.
Please utilize the entire length of our “blue drop off line” by:
Pulling up behind the car in front of you (please refrain from leaving large spaces between vehicles)
Dropping off along the whole blue line (Please refrain from dropping off your child only in front of the area where their class waits. The entire blue line should be utilized for efficiency. )
During arrival, your students should be ready and prepared to get out of the car by having all their materials gathered and good-byes complete.
Students will wait at the front of the building in their teacher's designated area.
Signs with teacher's names will be posted at the front of the building, indicating where students should stand when they arrive.
Students will wait outside unless it meets the temperature threshold and/or it is a downpour. Please have students dress appropriately.
Afternoon Pick Up Procedures:
Students will be escorted out to the car loop and will stand in their classroom’s designated area.
Students will remain in their area and wait for their car to pull up.
Cars will use the painted blue line as the area to pick up their children.
Please pull all the way forward, as to allow the maximum number of cars to pick up their students at one time as possible.
Please post a sign with your child’s first and last name in a visual area of your vehicle for the first couple of weeks of school.
When students see their car, they will walk toward it and quickly get in.
Students will enter their car on the sidewalk side.
Adults should not get out of the car at any point in the car loop.
To exit the car loop, please follow the signs and exit to the right only.
Breakfast and Lunch
Lunch Menus can be found here: https://dewittschools.nutrislice.com/
Breakfast and lunch is free this year for students. All students can have one complete breakfast and one complete lunch per day. The guidelines to receive free breakfast and/or lunch require a students to take items that meet the guidelines for a complete meal.
Breakfast will be served in the cafeteria at Herbison Woods.
Option to Purchase Ala Carte Items: In addition to free complete meals, extra entrees and ala carte items such as milk will be available for purchase if your student brings a meal from home. Students will need money in their accounts to do this. There is a charge of $1.95 fee per $100, and .50 fee for multiple students with no transaction amt. cap to families who choose to use the online payment system. Also, you can pay by E-Check for $1 fee per transaction with a $750 transaction cap. Also, there are deposit boxes located in all school buildings.
Federal & State Funding Help: DeWitt Public School District is excited to offer free breakfast and lunch to all students starting this new school year thanks to the Michigan Healthy School Meals Program! Even though meals will be provided for free, it's important for families to continue sharing household income information in order for our schools to receive full access to federal and state funding for educational programs that our students are entitled to. Paper applications are available upon request. Please contact Sandy Leach at leachsand@dewittschools.net or Marcy Updike at updikemar@dewittschools.net. Online applications can be completed at: https://dewitt.familyportal.cloud.
Recess and Lunch Supervisor Positions
If you are interested in supervising recess or lunch, we would love to have you join our team!
Please contact us at 517-668-3300. http://jobs.dewittschools.net
Medication Information
In order for Herbison Woods Staff to administer medication to your child, you must:
Submit a completed district medication form to our office.
Be sure all medications are brought to and stored in our office.
Be sure prescription medication is in its original container accompanied with a physician’s signature.
Be sure non-prescription medication is in its original container accompanied by a parent’s signature.
Please communicate with your child's teacher if he/she takes medication daily at school.
If your child has a medical condition, please be sure to complete a Medical Management Plan for your child and turn it in at the office.
Medication and other medical forms can be found on our DeWitt Public Schools website.