HWE Newsletter
May 5, 2023
Kori Knudson, Principal
First Bell
8:40 a.m.
Tardy Bell
8:45 a.m.
3:35 p.m.
HWE Office 517.668.3300
Attendance Line 517.668.3347
Anna Rosalin
Our New Dean of Students
Anna Rosalin is our new Elementary Dean and will be supporting students K-5. Anna will be working on a rotating calendar among all three buildings. We are grateful to have her on our team!
Library Corner
Summer is almost!
As we wind down library for the year I am asking that all books be returned by Friday, May 26. I will be sending out reminders the week before with what books your student may have out and again the week after so all books can be returned before summer break.
Don't forget to follow the HW library on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to find out what's going on, upcoming events, book recommendations, and much.
Facebook: Herbison Woods Elementary Media Center
Twitter: @HWEMediaCenter
Instagram: hwemediacenter
Upcoming Dates:
May 26 - All library books need to be returned to the library
May 29 - June 2 - Last week of library
~Mrs. Johnston
Dates To Note
Wednesday, May 17
CLT Day Half Day Grades K-12
HWE Dismissal 12:12 p.m.
Saturday, May 20
5th Grade Choir Club Night at the Ball Park
Lansing Lugnuts, Jackson Stadium
Monday, May 29
No School Grades K-12
Memorial Day
Tuesday, June 6
HWE Field Day
Friday, June 9
Grades K-12 Half
HWE Dismissal 11:42 a.m.
Herbison Woods Panthers Are Respectful, Responsible, and Safe
Hello Families,
Thank you for your continued support this week as we navigated a few unfortunate events here at Herbison Woods. As you know, school safety is our top priority and we will always err on the side of caution. Our students and staff knew what our procedures were and put them into action immediately. While we wish we did not live in a world that required this, it is evident that our processes are in place and that students and staff were equipped with the information they needed to know. We will continue to provide social-emotional support for students who are feeling the weight of these safety challenges.
Our students are at the age where they are entering middle school and beginning to develop socially. As students grow, they often make great choices, yet sometimes the choices they make are questionable. At school we strive to help equip students with the information they need to make positive choices and reinforce these on a daily basis. We know that you are also providing this support at home as well. As children grow and develop they begin the long journey of understanding social norms, navigating new situations, and learn the many complexities of cause and effect. One area that we are working with students on is to be aware of the language that they use and the ramifications of these actions. We will continue to reinforce safe and positive practice of language throughout the remainder of this year.
As our year winds down I want to say thank you for supporting our students and staff. We know there are many exciting events ahead next week for Staff Appreciation Week and we cannot thank you enough for your generous contributions which make this possible.
Kori Knudson
Herbie Buck Store Donations
Our students continue to be very excited and motivated by our Herbie Buck Store! We are always accepting of donations such as small candies, school supplies, small toys, etc. In addition, we have also put together an Amazon Wishlist of items that we feel our students may enjoy. If you have any wrapped Valentine's/Easter candy that your family is wishing to part with, we would gladly use it at our next store. We appreciate your generosity and are grateful for your support!
Bond Information
As many of you may be aware, Herbison Woods Elementary will be undergoing a bond renovation starting on June 10, 2023. Our Bond and Construction Teams have been working hard over the last year to develop a rigorous and detailed plan to ensure that our projects are completed for Fall. Our building has to be completely packed up before June 10 as the projects include changing out all lighting, HVAC, electrical updates, and responding to roof leaks. Therefore, you may see boxes outside or inside classrooms as teachers work in their off-time to have their room packed up. Thank you for understanding as we are teaming up to make this happen within hours of students releasing on the last day of school.
The HWE 5th Grade Choir
The HWE 5th Grade Choir has been working hard to prepare music for three upcoming events! They will be performing with the 6th grade choir on a concert on May 18 at 7 p.m. in the DeWitt High School Auditorium. They are also singing the National Anthem at the Lansing Lugnuts game on Saturday, May 20. If you're interested in purchasing tickets for the DeWitt Panther Night at the Lugnuts, please go to https://fevo.met/pantherpridenight. Finally, the HWE 5th Grade Choir will be performing at the DeWitt Community Showcase!
Perception Data Survey
Earlier this year a perception survey was sent to students, staff, and families in hopes of gathering information in regard to stakeholders perception of Herbison Woods. After analyzing the data we were able to determine our areas of strength. areas we hope to improve on, and our goals for the future.
Current Information