HWE Newsletter

April 13, 2023

Kori Knudson, Principal


First Bell         8:40 a.m.

Tardy Bell         8:45 a.m.

Dismissal 3:35 p.m.

HWE Office             517.668.3300  

Attendance Line     517.668.3347

Dates to Note

Friday, April 27                      5th Grade - DMS tour (during the school day)

Wednesday,  May 17             CLT Half Day Grades K-12      HWE dismissal 12:12 p.m.

Monday, May 20                     Dewitt Panther Musical Community Night at the Ballpark, Lansing Lugnuts Jackson Stadium

Monday, May 29                     No School Grades K-12          Memorial Day

Tuesday, June 6             HWE Field Day

Friday, June 9                Grade K-12 Half Day         Last day of Classes

Herbison Woods Panthers Are Respectful, Responsible, and Safe

Dear Families, 

As we dive headfirst into the month of April, you can expect a time where your students are engaging in several district and state assessments including M-STEP, NWEA, and Acadience reading testing. In preparation for these testing times, teachers have shared individual dates with families for their students’ testing time. One question we often get asked is why these aren’t announced at the school level or why the whole school isn’t testing on the same day? Some of us might remember how the MEAP was done as a whole grade level/building simultaneously. However, due to the fact that these tests are now done on the computer, we are unable to have the entire building testing at the same time. Instead, we allow teachers to determine which days best align with their classroom’s A-E schedule. 

Students have been using the tools provided by the State to help prepare for upcoming tests including the practice assessments, writing prompts, and becoming more familiar with the formatting and layout of the M-STEP interface. We continue to think of ways to challenge our students and craft content that will stretch their thinking and strengthen them for this time ahead. 

To ensure that your student is able to perform at their best level, we would love to have your support in these areas:  

As the year continues to wind down, many exciting events will surface. Please be checking classroom newsletters for upcoming details and information! We appreciate your continued support and look forward to finishing out this year strong with each of you! 


Kori Knudson

Herbie Buck Store Donations

Our students continue to be very excited and motivated by our Herbie Buck Store! We are always accepting of donations such as small candies, school supplies, small toys, etc. In addition, we have also put together an Amazon Wishlist of items that we feel our students may enjoy. If you have any wrapped Valentine's/Easter candy that your family is wishing to part with, we would gladly use it at our next store. We appreciate your generosity and are grateful for your support! 

HWE Library Corner

Follow the HW library on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to find out what's going on, upcoming events,  book recommendations, and much more.

Facebook: Herbison Woods Elementary Media Center

Twitter:  @HWEMediaCenter

Instagram:  hwemediacenter

~Mrs Johnston


Physical Education News


Spring Is in the Air!

As we move closer to warmer weather, our Physical Education less will try and take advantage of our outdoor classroom. On PE days please make sure your student has warm layers, extra socks, and possibly another pair of footwear in case of dew and colder temps during the morning classes. 

Be on the Lookout!

As May approaches, so does our planning for Herbison Woods FIELD DAY! This is a wonderful day of physical activity and celebration of our school year! In order for this day to work, I will be sending more information about volunteer opportunities to help run our stations. Please consider being a part of this fun active day for our students. 

In the Classroom

Students finished giving their gymnastics routines and we spent some time using previous physical literacy skills to play the game of kickball. 

In the next couple weeks, 4th and 5th grade students will be participating in their Post-Fitness Testing. I will be communicating with students on the days that each test will be held ahead of time. Students will use the data to compare with their pretests to evaluate their areas of fitness.

-Mr. Louisignau

Next up For April/May/June


Ultimate Frisbee

Yard Games

Current Information