Herbison Woods News

October 6, 2023

Principal:  Alicia Ormsbee

School Address:  Pride Dr, DeWitt, MI 48820

Office Phone Number:  517-668-3300

Attendance Phone Number:  517-668-3347

Website:  https://hw.dewittschools.net/ 

District Diversity Logo Paw

Upcoming Events:

October 18:  1/2 Day  of School for Students - CLT Day

A Message from Mrs. Ormsbee

Greetings Herbison Woods Families!

Fall is a busy season! We have many events coming up this month.   Be looking out for information from your classroom teacher on all of our exciting activities!

We had our first Herbie Buck Store this past week.  Students had the opportunity to spend their Herbie Bucks that they have earned for being Respectful, Responsible and Safe over the past month.  The store is full of prizes listed at various amounts.  If you are interested in donating to our store, please see below for more details.  We are always looking for donations for our students. 

If you are going through your children's clothes and have some gently worn bottoms that do not fit any more, we would greatly appreciate donations for students in the front office.  We are especially in need of pants if you have any available.  Thank you for considering.

Fall benchmarking is complete. Be looking for NWEA parent reports, as they will be coming home with students next week Friday, October 13. 

Thank you for your continued partnership!


Alicia Ormsbee


A Note from Mrs. Nowak

Greetings, Herbison Woods families! My name is Rachel Nowak and I will be filling the position of Dean of Students for grades 4 through 8. This position will help me put my 20 years of classroom teaching experience to work for the greater good; helping students solve conflicts and working to foster a school where students work to be their best selves through consistent behavior choices. Look for emails from me if I have met with your child, or have the pleasure of supporting them in these areas. I look forward to helping every HWE student have a successful school year! 

Updates from Mr. Rogers

It is great to be a Herbison Woods Panther! There have been many exciting things happening around our school. Last week was Spirit Week; we saw LOTS of engagement and enthusiasm from students and staff alike. This week we are starting Second Step classroom lessons, helping students in building social and emotional skills. I am thankful each day for the opportunity to serve the students and staff in our building! 

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at: mattrogers@dewittschools.net

Students at Herbie Buck Store
Students at Herbie Buck Store

Herbie Buck Store

Our first Herbie buck store was a complete success. The students continue to be very excited and motivated by our Herbie Buck Store! We are always accepting donations such as small candies, school supplies, small toys, etc. In addition, we have also put together an Amazon Wish List of items that we feel our students may enjoy. As Halloween approaches, if you have any wrapped candy that your family is wishing to part with, we would gladly use it at our next store. We appreciate your generosity and are grateful for your support! 

MONSTER MASH (8.5 × 11 in) (1).pdf

PTA News

We are excited for another amazing Denim and Diamonds fundraiser event on 11/11! This is our only planned fundraiser for the PTA this year and we hope you can join us. You can purchase your tickets for only $10 at https://dewittelempta.memberhub.com/store/items/933889.

If you are interested in helping before or during the event, please contact Kaela Humm at auctionchair@ptadewitt.org or 989-621-2353. Volunteers are crucial to being sure we can make events happen and raise funds to support our schools!

Upcoming Events:

10/13: Monster Mash Dance 

10/17&10/19: Y5&Kinder Conference Cuisine 

11/7: Meeting @ HW Media Center 7pm

Want more information on getting involved, Contact Us: Info@ptadewitt.org 

Halloween, Celebrations and Parties

To promote a safe and secure indoor school environment, create an inclusive atmosphere for all students, and to reduce distractions for the duration of the school day, the following school celebration guidelines will be followed: 

Book Fair Notice 1 (1).pdf

Book Fair is coming to HWE

Mark your calendars!  The book fair is coming to Herbison Woods Elementary School October 30 - November 3 in our media center.

Music Notes from Ms. Broughton

Recorder playing begins this coming week in music class! If your child needs a recorder, please remember they can be purchased with a $5 donation (cash, check made out to Herbison Woods elementary, or credit card through Rev Track https://dewittschools.revtrak.net/herbison-woods-elementary/#/list). If your child has a recorder at home, please remind them to bring them to school starting on Monday.

Recess and Lunch Positions

If you are interested in supervising recess, lunch or being a paraprofessional, we would love to have you join our team at Herbison Woods!

Please contact us at 517-668-3300.     http://jobs.dewittschools.net

Picture Retake Day

Picture Retake Day is scheduled for Tuesday, November 7 at Herbison Woods.

Carloop Reminders

Reminders :

Breakfast and Lunch

Lunch Menus can be found here:  https://dewittschools.nutrislice.com/

Breakfast and lunch is free this year for students.  All students can have one complete breakfast and one complete lunch per day.  The guidelines to receive free breakfast and/or lunch require a students to take items that meet the guidelines for a complete meal.  

Breakfast will be served in the cafeteria at Herbison Woods.

Option to Purchase Ala Carte Items:  In addition to free complete meals, extra entrees and ala carte items such as milk will be available for purchase if your student brings a meal from home. Students will need money in their accounts to do this.  There is a charge of $1.95 fee per $100, and .50 fee for multiple students with no transaction amt. cap to families who choose to use the online payment system.  Also, you can pay by E-Check for $1 fee per transaction with a $750 transaction cap. Also, there are deposit boxes located in all school buildings. 

Federal & State Funding Help:  DeWitt Public School District is excited to offer free breakfast and lunch to all students starting this new school year thanks to the Michigan Healthy School Meals Program! Even though meals will be provided for free, it's important for families to continue sharing household income information in order for our schools to receive full access to federal and state funding for educational programs that our students are entitled to.  Paper applications are available upon request.  Please contact Sandy Leach at leachsand@dewittschools.net or Marcy Updike at updikemar@dewittschools.netOnline applications can be completed at:  https://dewitt.familyportal.cloud.

Volunteering at DPS

Medication Information

In order for Herbison Woods Staff to administer medication to your child, you must:


If your child will be absent from school, please call the Herbison Woods attendance line at: 


Learn About Herbison Woods

Herbison Woods Welcome Slideshow 23-24